Scientific Name: Sorbus hupehensis 'Pink Pagoda'
Common Name: Pink Pagoda mountain ash
Family Name: Rosaceae
Hardiness Zone: Zone 6: (-23 to -18 °C)
Plant Type: Tree - deciduous
Mature Size: 5 - 7m x 4 - 5m (height x width)
Habit: Spreading, Upright
Form: Oval - vertical
Texture: Medium
Landscape Uses: Accent plant, Attract birds, Fall interest, Shade tree, Small garden/space, Specimen plant, Spring interest, Street (boulevard tree), Winter interest, Woodland margin
Exposure: Full sun, Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media: Humus rich, Well-drained
Leaves: Compound, Alternate, Heavily veined, Even-pinnate, Elliptic, Obovate, Serrate
Flowers: Corymb, White, May
Fruit: Edible, Pome, White, Pink, Sep-Oct
Key ID Features:
Blue-green pinnately compound leaves, most with 13 elliptical leaflets. Florets in white corymb that becomes a flush of bright pink berries (< 1cm round) that eventually fade but stay on most of winter.