Scientific Name: Teucrium chamaedrys ( syn. Teucrium x lucidrys )
Common Name: wall germander
Family Name: Lamiaceae
Origin: Central / west Asia, Europe
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5: (-29 to -23 °C)
Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen, Ground cover
Mature Size: 0.4 - 0.7m x 0.1 - 0.3m (height x width)
Habit: Twiggy
Form: Oval - horizontal
Texture: Medium - fine
Landscape Uses: Fragrance, Ground cover, Group or mass planting, Hedge row, Medicinal plant, Perennial border, Rock garden, Summer interest
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media:
Leaves: Simple, Lobed, Opposite, Leathery, Pinnate venation, Lustrous, Oblong, Pinnately lobed
Flowers: Raceme, Purple, Pink, Jul-Aug
Fruit: Schizocarp, Brown, Sep-Oct
Key ID Features:
Leaves small, oval with small lobes, dark green, shiny.