Scientific Name: Begonia rex (incl. hybrids)
Common Name: rex begonia
Family Name: Begoniaceae
Origin: Garden origin, South Asia / India
Hardiness Zone: Zone 10: (-1 to 4 °C)
Plant Type: Indoor foliage plant
Mature Size: 0.2 - 0.4m x 0.3 - 0.6m (height x width)
Habit: Dense, Spreading, Upright
Form: Mounded
Texture: Medium - coarse
Landscape Uses: Indoor plant
Exposure: Part sun/part shade, Sheltered
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Basal, Soft flexible, Prickly, Heavily veined, Pinnate venation, Lustrous, Branching hairs, Ovate, Ciliate, Dentate, Serrulate
Flowers: Pink, Can flower any month
Fruit: Capsule, Brown
Key ID Features:
Leaves basal, palmately veined, blades of most cultivars asymmetric, ovate, 8-15(-33)cm long x 6-14(-21)cm wide, stiff hairs on undersides with many interesting blade shapes and markings (e.g. spiraled, spotted, streaked, bordered and splotched).