Scientific Name: Cissus discolor
Common Name: tapestry vine, Rex begonia vine
Family Name: Vitaceae
Origin: S.E. Asia / Japan / China
Hardiness Zone: Zone 11: (above 4 °C)
Plant Type: Indoor foliage plant, Vine or climber
Mature Size: 2 - 3m x (height x width)
Habit: Pendulous
Form: Climbing, Weeping
Texture: Coarse
Landscape Uses: Hanging basket, Indoor plant
Exposure: Part sun/part shade, Filtered shade
Soil or Media:
Leaves: Simple, Alternate, Soft flexible, Glabrous, Lanceolate, Ovate, Serrate
Flowers: Cyme, Yellow, Red, Jun-Aug
Fruit: Berry (true), Dark-red, Sep
Key ID Features:
Foliage is variegated and heart-shaped with red tendrils.