Scientific Name: Citrullus lanatus
Common Name: watermelon
Family Name: Cucurbitaceae
Origin: Africa
Hardiness Zone: Zone 7: (-18 to -12 °C)
Plant Type: Annual (true)
Mature Size: 0.2 - 0.4m x 2 - 3m (height x width)
Habit: Spreading
Form: Creeping / Mat-like
Texture: Very coarse
Landscape Uses: Medicinal plant, Urban agriculture
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Lobed, Alternate, Prickly, Pubescent, Ovate, Dentate, Palmately lobed
Flowers: Flowers solitary, Yellow, Jul-Aug
Fruit: Pepo, Aug
Key ID Features:
Vine-like scrambler; stems thin, angular, hairy, grooved, with branched tendrils; leaves alternate, deeply lobed and/ or toothed, ovate, 7-20cm long x 5-15cm wide, pubescent, base cordate; flowers funnelform, 3-8cm wide, yellow, male flowers with 3 stamens, female flowers on same plant with and inferior ovary and a coral like stigma; fruit with smooth exterior rind (often green with dark green stripes) and juicy interior flesh, very sweet and usually red (>100 cvs. and some have orange and yellow flesh).