Scientific Name: Pseudofumaria lutea
Common Name: yellow corydalis
Family Name: Papaveraceae
Origin: Europe
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5: (-29 to -23 °C)
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial, Invasive plant, Weed (horticultural)
Mature Size: 0.2 - 0.4m x 0.3 - 0.6m (height x width)
Habit: Spreading
Form: Oval - vertical
Texture: Medium - fine
Landscape Uses: Summer interest
Exposure: Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media:
Leaves: Compound, Alternate, Soft flexible, Glabrous, Bipinnate, Obovate, Spatulate, Incised
Flowers: Yellow, May-Jun
Fruit: Jul-Aug
Key ID Features:
Leaves 2 or 3 pinnate, leaflets obovate to spatulate, margins entire or 3-lobed; florets bright yellow, about 2cm long, tubular, spurred.