Scientific Name: Crossandra infundibuliformis
Common Name: firecracker flower
Family Name: Acanthaceae
Origin: South Asia / India
Hardiness Zone: Zone 10: (-1 to 4 °C)
Plant Type: Annual (grown as), Flowering pot plant
Mature Size: 0.4 - 0.7m x 0.3 - 0.6m (height x width)
Habit: Dense
Form: Round
Texture: Medium
Landscape Uses: Bedding plant, Container planting
Exposure: Full sun only if soil kept moist, Part sun/part shade, Filtered shade
Soil or Media: Humus rich, Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Opposite, Soft flexible, Heavily veined, Pinnate venation, Glabrous, Ovate, Entire, Undulate (wavy)
Flowers: Spike, Orange, Yellow, Red, Jun-Jul-Aug
Fruit: Capsule, Green, Brown, Sep-Oct
Key ID Features:
Leaves opposite, ovate, 7-15cm long x 2-7cm wide, glossy, margin entire and wavy; flowers fan-shaped with 3-5 asymmetrical petals on four-sided stalked spikes.