Scientific Name: Dicentra eximia
Common Name: fringed bleeding heart
Family Name: Papaveraceae
Origin: U.S. - northeast
Hardiness Zone: Zone 3: (-40 to -34 °C)
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Mature Size: 0.2 - 0.4m x 0.3 - 0.6m (height x width)
Habit: Arching, Spreading
Form: Mounded
Texture: Medium - fine
Landscape Uses: Group or mass planting, Perennial border, Waterside planting, Woodland margin
Exposure: Part sun/part shade, Filtered shade
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Dissected, Compound, Basal, Soft flexible, Pinnate venation, Glabrous, Bipinnate, Ovate, Incised, Pinnately lobed
Flowers: White, Pink, Red, May-Jun-Jul-Aug-Sep
Fruit: Capsule, Green
Key ID Features:
Similar to D. formosa but has narrower, less rounded flowers with longer wings on the outer petals and can flower from spring to fall; leaves finely divided into leaflets and lobes, gray-green, mostly 20-35cm long x 10-15cm wide.