Scientific Name: Equisetum hyemale
Common Name: scouring rush, horsetail
Family Name: Equisetaceae
Origin: Central / west Asia, Europe, North America
Hardiness Zone: Zone 4: (-34 to -29 °C)
Plant Type: Aquatic plant, Semi-evergreen
Mature Size: 0.7 - 1.3m x < 0.1m (height x width)
Habit: Spreading
Form: Columnar
Texture: Medium - fine
Landscape Uses: Cut flower or foliage, Waterside planting, Wetland - bogs, Winter interest
Exposure: Full sun only if soil kept moist, Part sun/part shade, Filtered shade, Deep shade
Soil or Media: Bog
Leaves: Simple, Whorled, Soft flexible, Glabrous, Deltoid, Entire
Fruit: Sporangium (spores), Yellow, Brown, May-Jun-Jul
Key ID Features:
Ornamental plant; evergreen stems straight up without branches, abrasive to touch; leaves reduced to whorls of microphylls at nodes; spores released from brown strobili at stem tips.