Scientific Name: Hypochaeris radicata
Common Name: false dandelion
Family Name: Asteraceae
Origin: Europe
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5: (-29 to -23 °C)
Plant Type: Weed (horticultural)
Mature Size: 0.4 - 0.7m x 0.3 - 0.6m (height x width)
Habit: Arching, Spreading
Form: Creeping / Mat-like
Texture: Medium
Landscape Uses: n/a
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Rocky or gravelly or dry, Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Basal, Soft flexible, Prickly, Glandular hairs, Oblanceolate, Oblong, Pinnately lobed
Flowers: Small heads arranged in a cyme, Yellow, Aug-Sep-Oct
Fruit: Cypsela (achene + calyx), Brown, Sep-Oct
Key ID Features:
Perennial weed 15-60cm tall with milky sap; stems narrow and forked; leaves mostly basal, pinnately lobed (more fleshy and less severely lobed than dandelion), oblanceolate, most 6-15(-30) long x 2-5(-7_cm wide with rounded tips and short hairs; flower heads 2-2.5cm wide x 1-1.5cm high when fully open, yellow, ray florets only, peduncles green, solid, with alternating leaf-like bracts (unlike dandelion); achenes with long white feathery hairs.