Scientific Name: Juniperus procumbens
Common Name: Japanese garden juniper, green mound weeping juniper
Family Name: Cupressaceae
Origin: S.E. Asia / Japan / China
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5: (-29 to -23 °C)
Plant Type: Conifer, Ground cover
Mature Size: 0.4 - 0.7m x 1.5 - 2.0m (height x width)
Habit: Pendulous, Spreading
Form: Creeping / Mat-like, Mounded
Texture: Medium - fine
Landscape Uses: Ground cover, Group or mass planting, Mixed shrub border, Rock garden, Small garden/space, Specimen plant
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Rocky or gravelly or dry, Well-drained
Leaves: Needle-like, Whorled, Prickly, Linear
Flowers: n/a (male cone), Green, Brown, Mar-Apr
Fruit: Cone (winged seeds), Brown, Black
Key ID Features:
Shrub spreading/trailing over wall, elongated branches stiff and turn up at the ends, internodes very short; leaves in whorles of 3, mostly awl-like, needle boat-shaped, 6-8mm long; seed cones black and glaucous when ripe, subglobose, 8-9mm diameter; seeds 4mm long, ridged, 2-3 per cone. <a href ='' target='_blank'></a>