Scientific Name: Magnolia grandiflora
Common Name: southern magnolia
Family Name: Magnoliaceae
Origin: U.S. - southwest
Hardiness Zone: Zone 6: (-23 to -18 °C)
Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen
Mature Size: 10 - 15m x 7 - 10m (height x width)
Habit: Dense, Upright
Form: Oval - vertical
Texture: Coarse
Landscape Uses: Specimen plant
Exposure: Full sun, Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Alternate, Spiraled, Leathery, Pinnate venation, Lustrous, Pubescent, Elliptic, Ovate, Entire
Flowers: Flowers solitary, White, Jul-Aug
Fruit: Aggregate fruit, Follicle, Red, Sep-Oct
Key ID Features:
One of the few large, local evergreen flowering trees; leaves thick, glossy, dark green, lower surface with dense, brown pubescence, up to 30cm long; flowers large (about 15cm wide), solitary flowers in late spring, most with 9(-12) creamy white, fragrant tepals, Winter ID: woolly, brown pubescence on terminal buds.