Scientific Name: Potentilla fruticosa ( syn. Dasiphora fruticosa )
Common Name: potentilla, cinquefoil
Family Name: Rosaceae
Origin: Europe, North America
Hardiness Zone: Zone 2: (-46 to -40 °C)
Plant Type: Shrub - deciduous
Mature Size: 0.2 - 0.4m x 0.6 - 1.0m (height x width)
Habit: Twiggy, Upright
Form: Mounded, Oval - horizontal
Texture: Fine
Landscape Uses: Alpine, Group or mass planting, Mixed shrub border, Small garden/space
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Rocky or gravelly or dry, Well-drained
Leaves: Compound, Alternate, Soft flexible, Lustrous, Glandular hairs, Odd-pinnate, Ovate
Flowers: Cyme, White, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Red, Dark-red, May-Jun-Jul-Aug-Sep
Fruit: Aggregate fruit, Achene, (Accessory tissue), Brown, Jul-Aug-Sep-Oct
Key ID Features:
Small, round deciduous shrub; leaves compound-palmate, with 5(-7) alternating, mostly elliptical leaflets 1-2cm long; flowers 2-4cm wide, 5 petals (commonly yellow), 5 sepals, and many stamens and tiny pistils. Winter ID: very twiggy; bark shaggy, cinnamon coloured; fruit 5-lobed that sometimes persist in winter.