Scientific Name: Quercus acutissima
Common Name: sawtooth oak
Family Name: Fagaceae
Origin: S.E. Asia / Japan / China
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5: (-29 to -23 °C)
Plant Type: Tree - deciduous
Mature Size: 15 - 22m x 15 - 25m (height x width)
Habit: Spreading
Form: Round
Texture: Medium - coarse
Landscape Uses: Screening, Shade tree, Street (boulevard tree), Tall background, Wildlife food
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Alternate, Leathery, Pinnate venation, Lustrous, Oblanceolate, Obovate, Dentate, Pectinate
Flowers: Catkin (ament), Green-yellow, Mar-Apr
Fruit: Nut, Brown
Key ID Features:
Round-form oak tree; leaves lanceolate-oblanceolate, most blades 18-22cm long x 4-6cm wide, margins toothed (like American chestnut), petiole 2-3cm long. Winter ID: buds mostly 2-4mm long, each with 10-16 small overlapping brown (and sometimes black) scales with grey ciliate margins; leaf scars half-round to crescent shaped with scattered bundle scars.