Scientific Name: Salvia officinalis
Common Name: common sage
Family Name: Lamiaceae
Origin: Africa, Europe
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5: (-29 to -23 °C)
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Mature Size: 0.4 - 0.7m x 0.6 - 1.0m (height x width)
Habit: Dense, Spreading, Upright
Form: Mounded
Texture: Medium
Landscape Uses: Alpine, Attract beneficial insects, Attract butterflies, Bedding plant, Container planting, Dried flower or fruit, Fall interest, Fragrance, Ground cover, Hanging basket, Herb, Medicinal plant, Perennial border, Summer interest, Winter interest
Exposure: Full sun, Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Opposite, Soft flexible, Pinnate venation, Tomentose, Oblong, Ovate, Serrate
Flowers: Verticillaster, Blue, Purple, Jun-Jul
Fruit: Schizocarp, Brown, Aug-Sep
Key ID Features:
Low perennial; leaves opposite, elliptic to ovate, finely crenulate, very rugose, distinct sage scent, green-yellow to medium to grayish-green to dark green-purple with purple veins or variegated cultivars.