Scientific Name: Salix x pendulina f. salamonii
Common Name: weeping willow
Family Name: Salicaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Hardiness Zone: Zone 6: (-23 to -18 °C)
Plant Type: Tree - deciduous
Mature Size: 5 - 7m x 10 - 15m (height x width)
Habit: Arching
Form: Oval - horizontal, Weeping
Texture: Medium - coarse
Landscape Uses: Specimen plant, Wetland - bogs
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Bog
Leaves: Simple, Alternate, Soft flexible, Glabrous, Lanceolate, Serrulate
Flowers: Catkin (ament), Green-yellow, Apr-May
Fruit: Capsule, White, Jul-Aug
Key ID Features:
Tree pendent to the ground; stems golden yellow; leaves alternate, lanceolate, most blades 9-13(-16)cm long x 1.5-2.5cm wide, glossy green/glaucous underneath, alternate, serrulate, lanceolate. Winter ID: weeping form, golden yellow twigs; buds smooth, flattened, appressed to stems and covered by a single, silky-downy bud scale.