Scientific Name: Saxifraga (hybrid cvs.)
Common Name: hybrid saxifrage
Family Name: Saxifragaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Hardiness Zone: Zone 6: (-23 to -18 °C)
Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen
Mature Size: 0.2 - 0.4m x < 0.1m (height x width)
Habit: Spreading
Form: Creeping / Mat-like
Texture: Fine
Landscape Uses: Ground cover
Exposure: Part sun/part shade, Deep shade
Soil or Media:
Leaves: Simple, Basal, Leathery, Glabrous, Orbicular, Spatulate, Dentate, Pinnately lobed, Serrate
Flowers: Panicle, White, Yellow, Pink, Red, Dark-red, Jun-Jul
Fruit: Aborted (hybrids) or absent, Brown, Sep
Key ID Features:
Leaves basal but otherwise highly variable; panicle with florets mostly 1-2cm wide, most with 5 separate identical petals, cultivars mostly white, pink or shades of red.