Scientific Name: Heptapleurum actinophyllum ( syn. Schefflera actinophylla )
Common Name: umbrella plant, Australian umbrella tree
Family Name: Araliaceae
Origin: Australia / New Zealand
Hardiness Zone: Zone 10: (-1 to 4 °C)
Plant Type: Indoor foliage plant
Mature Size: 2 - 3m x 1.5 - 2.0m (height x width)
Form: Vase
Texture: Coarse
Landscape Uses: Indoor plant
Exposure: Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media: Well-drained
Leaves: Compound, Alternate, Leathery, Palmate venation, Glabrous, Digitate (palmate), Leaflets stalked, Oblong, Obovate, Entire
Flowers: Panicle, Green, Pink, Red
Fruit: Aggregate fruit, Drupe, Aborted (hybrids) or absent, Dark-red
Key ID Features:
Leaves palmately compound with 7-16 elliptic to ovate leaflets up to 30cm long.