Scientific Name: Triticum spp.
Common Name: wheat
Family Name: Poaceae
Origin: Central / west Asia, Europe
Hardiness Zone: Zone 3: (-40 to -34 °C)
Plant Type: Annual
Mature Size: 0.7 - 1.3m x 0.3 - 0.6m (height x width)
Habit: Upright
Form: Columnar
Texture: Medium - fine
Landscape Uses: Urban agriculture
Exposure: Full sun
Soil or Media: Alkaline, Well-drained
Leaves: Simple, Alternate, Soft flexible, Parallel venation, Glabrous, Linear, Entire
Flowers: Spikelet, Yellow, Green, Mar-Apr
Fruit: Edible, Grain (caryopsis), Brown, Aug-Sep
Key ID Features:
For common wheat - leaf sheaths open, blades flat (in-rolled in bud), for common wheat blades are 5-20mm wide; ligules membranous, scarcely 1mm long; ear-shaped lobes at leaf-bases prominent; inflorescence a terminal spike, 5-12cm long, awned or awnless, with 1 spikelet per node; spikelets 2-5 flowered, unstalked; glumes firm, keeled, strongly 3- (or more) nerved, sharp-pointed to awned, the awns 1 to several; lemmas broad, lopsidely keeled, 4-5mm long, sharp-pointed to awned. <a href ='' target='_blank'>E-Flora BC</a>