Scientific Name: Vaccinium corymbosum
Common Name: highbush blueberry
Family Name: Ericaceae
Origin: Canada - eastern
Hardiness Zone: Zone 3: (-40 to -34 °C)
Plant Type: Shrub - deciduous
Mature Size: 1.3 - 2.0m x 1.0 - 1.5m (height x width)
Habit: Arching, Dense, Upright
Form: Vase
Landscape Uses: Attract beneficial insects, Attract birds, Mixed shrub border, Urban agriculture
Exposure: Full sun, Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media: Acidic
Leaves: Simple, Alternate, Leathery, Glabrous, Elliptic, Ovate, Entire, Serrulate
Flowers: Raceme, White, May-Jun
Fruit: Berry (true), Edible, Blue, Black, Jul-Aug
Key ID Features:
Stems are reddish-brown; leaves are waxy and slightly serrated; flowers white, urn-shaped; fruit - typical blue berries. Winter ID: twigs pubescent, reddish-brown; buds glabrous, scales tips pointed, claw-like.