Scientific Name: Viburnum edule
Common Name: moosewood, squashberry, mooseberry
Family Name: Viburnaceae
Origin: North America
Hardiness Zone: Zone 3: (-40 to -34 °C)
Plant Type: Shrub - deciduous
Mature Size: 2 - 3m x 1.5 - 2.0m (height x width)
Habit: Stiffly upright, Twiggy
Form: Oval - vertical
Texture: Medium - coarse
Landscape Uses: Mixed shrub border, Wildlife food
Exposure: Full sun, Part sun/part shade
Soil or Media:
Leaves: Simple, Lobed, Opposite, Heavily veined, Pinnate venation, Glabrous, Elliptic, Obovate, Orbicular, Dentate, Serrate
Flowers: Cyme, White, Jun-Jul
Fruit: Drupe, Edible, Orange, Red, Aug
Key ID Features:
Leaves with 3 shallow lobes towards apex (except for new leaves near stem tips), blades mostly obovate, 5-9(-12)cm long x 4-9(-13)cm wide, margin sharply toothed, petioles about 2cm long with a few glandular dots; cormyb-line cymes with 3-20 white florets 1-1.5cm wide; drupes oval to round, 8-12mm long, orange to red. Winter ID: twigs glabrous, 4-angled near tips; buds opposite, ovoid-rounded, stalked, 2 scales, valvate, dark red.